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“Ateities dental clinic” carries out professional oral hygiene, gum and intraalveolar pocket surgical therapy (gingivectomy, flap surgery), root lifting surgeries (for prosthodontic purposes), osseous tissue ‘auto’ and ‘allo’ transplantations (placing original and  artificial bone into intraalveolar pockets ), laser procedures, periodontal diagnostic tests.


Periodontitis – is the inflammatory process in the tooth surrounding tissues, which is the cause of tissue destruction.

Mostly periodontitis begins with gingivitis – inflammation of the gums, when there is no tooth supporting tissue damage yet. Gingivitis usually begins in childhood, reaches a maximum in adolescence, and is very common among the adults. Research shows that gingivitis has spread from 50 to 100 %.

Inflammation and tissue destruction may signify bleeding, suppuration of the gums, tooth root surface nakedness, tooth mobility, and bad breath.


  •  Gum inflammation is called gingivitis.
  •  Violations of structures surrounding the tooth (periodontal ligament, bone) are called periodontitis.

The early signs that a person is feeling are gum bleeding, itching, bad breath, aches, and tooth sensitivity to thermal stimuli. Later there appears pain while chewing, tooth mobility, the bite changes, “increases” the gaps between the teeth, food stuck between the teeth, gums fester.
What are the reasons for parodontosis to occur?
The main and common cause is poor oral hygiene. Plaque, calculus, food remains in the mouth is a good environment for micro-organisms to multiply. If the microscope will view the plaque and calculus, we would see something like an anthill, teeming with creatures.
Other causes are smoking, incorrect position of teeth and bite, diabetes, heredity, poor quality and old dental restorations (fillings, crowns), etc.
What to do in case of illness?
Early diagnosis and treatment of tissues surrounding the tooth is up to 80 percent fully cured.
Periodontal diseases are treated in many different methods. It depends on the severity of the disease:

Today, about 2/3 of the patients seek for medical advice with easy or medium form of parodontosis. These patients are treated with ultrasound, laser, handheld instruments, washings, antibiotic therapy. In medical terms, conservative treatment and curettage are performed.
In a severe form of the disease, curettage and flap surgery, a bone defect restoration of artificial bone, and teeth binding are carried out. The treatment of a severe periodontitis form does not always help to save the teeth.

Thus, the myth – that parodontosis is not treated and not cured. The earlier diagnosis the better the results of treatment we have. Late treatment stops the progression of the disease, but will not give back the loss of the gums and bone periodontal ligament.


Periodontal treatment is started when the disease begins. However, you can use preventive measures, which aim is to avoid periodontal diseases and so save the teeth. The best way to achieve this objective is to prevent the formation of plaque.

Cleaning teeth with brushes, interdental flosses are tools for personal hygiene. A healthy man, taking a good care of his teeth, has to perform a professional oral hygiene every six months. Plaque and tartar build-up much faster for a person who does not have hygiene habits. So professional hygiene should be performed every 2-3 months. A person suffering from periodontal diseases should visit a professional hygienist at least once every 3 months.


Since July 2013 “Ateities dental clinic” has been carrying out the molecular biology studies to determine the cause of periodontal disease and genetic risk to suffer from periodontitis.

From now on, you can treat the cause of disease, rather than the consequences!

In most cases the beginning of periodontitis is overlooked and diagnosed strongly advanced, when such symptoms as bleeding gums, tooth sensitivity, and teeth mobility get obvious. Only such unpleasant feelings are the reason to visit a doctor periodontist.

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